Friday, January 25, 2008

Celebrating a minor victory with commercialism and Zoodles

It's been like night and day. In the last couple of days there have been no major seizures and her balance and co-ordination are vastly improved. Not what the average person might consider "normal" but in this house, it's huge! Tatyanna has been able to go up and down stairs, sit on a chair without falling and eat.....with utensils (sort of). For the moment, the combination of Topomax and Klonopin seem to be working and it is giving everyone a much needed reprieve.

So how does one celebrate such a monumental occasion? By doing some of Yanna's favourite things of course. For lunch it was Zoodles as there is nothing messier than canned pasta. I truly can not fathom how any one's palate could possible tolerate such a concoction but Tatyanna loves the stuff. On Tuesday night when she was at her worse I made pasta, the real thing, for supper. Because of the seizures and severe ataxia she wasn't able to sit on her own and had to eat while sitting on my lap. She tried so hard to feed herself but between the "jerks" and tremors, very little food made it into her mouth. In fact we were both giggling over the sheer amount of pasta that was covering my lap, hair, the table and floor. It seems odd laughing about such things but sometimes humour is the only way to get through the rough times. Today was a different story entirely and other than the odd wayward hippo or giraffe, most of the noodles made it to her mouth. Once the older two kids were dropped off at their dads for the weekend we decided to do Tatyanna's other favourite thing. Run amok in the mall, look at toys and throw pennies in the fountain. Normally, I truly hate going to the mall but it was nice seeing her actually able to walk down the aisles and take an interest in what was going on around her.

On a completely unrelated note, I found the perfect acreage yesterday on the mls. 40 acres, completely fenced with a barn. I think the house was ok too. (can you see where my priorities lie?) Unfortunately, there is already an offer on it. Isn't that always the way?

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